Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Weather & Climate Data

CoCoRaHS - WA-OK-5 Weather Data             
for Oroville WA at 950 feet above sea level.
48.57 N 119.26 W
Readings are usually taken at 6:30 a.m.
A weather year starts Oct. 1st - Sept. 30th.
This is the 24-25 Weather Year.

October 2024 Precipitatio
This is the 24-25 Weather Year.
0/15 = 0.00% = 0.00 + 0.00 = 0.00
Max. Precip/swe in past 24 Hrs. = 0.00
Most at 15 consecutive days. 16 days overall. 

CoCoRaHs - 2025 Weather Year
0/15 = 0.00% for a total = 0.00
Max Precip./swe in past 24 Hrs. = 0.00
Most at 15 consecutive days this month w/o precip.
15 days overall. Total snowfall to date: 0.00
Most at 14 days for the period.

CoCoRaHs - 2024 Weather Year (Oct.-Sept.)
131/366 = 35.8% = 11.84 + 1.55 = 13.39
Max. Precip/SWE in 24 Hrs. = .74 max. SWE = .76
Total snowfall for the period = 12.7 inches.
Most at 21 consecutive days w/o precipitation.

CoCoRaHs - 2023 Weather Year (Oct.-Sept.)
97/365 = 23.1% - 9.21 + 3.34 = 12.55
O/A High 98 - Low  - 5 degrees F.
Max. Precip in 24 Hrs. = .58  Max SWE = 1.41
Most at 25 consecutive days w/o precip.
Total snowfall for the period = 32.10 inches.
All ice melted off the lake by 3/23/23.

CoCoRaHs - 2022 Weather Year (Oct.-Sept.) 
115/365 = 31.5% - 10.10 + 3.57 = 13.67
O/A High 99 - Low 0 degrees
Max Precip. in 24 Hrs. = .95
Most at 32 consecutive days w/o precip/swe.
Lake froze over on 12/27/21 and 
            broke up on 3/20/22.
3.57 SWE or 30.75 inches of snowfall.

CoCoRaHs - 2021 Weather Year (Oct.-Sept.)
98/365 = 26.8%. = 10.70 + 1.70 = 12.40
O/A High 109 - Low 10 degrees.
Max. Precip. in 24 Hrs. = .58
Most at 35 consecutive days w/o precip.
1.70 SWE or 14.80 in. of snowfall.

CoCoRaHs - 2020 Weather Year (Oct.-Sept.)
111/366 = 30.3%
Precip. = 8.54 + SWE 2.73 = 11.27
Max Precip. in. 24 Hrs. = .30 x 2
Total Snowfall = 29.8 inches.
Most at 20 consecutive days w/o precip/swe.

CoCoRaHs - 2019 Weather Year 
100/365 = 33.0%
Precip. = 8.83 + 2.66 SWE = 11.49
Total Snowfall: 25.80 inches.

CoCoRaHs - 2017-18 (Oct.-Sept.)
109/365 = 29.9% Precipitation/SWE.
Precip. of 13.73 + SWE of 2.06 = 15.79
Total snowfall = 20.55 inches.

CoCoRaHs 2016-17 (Oct.-Sept.)
Yearly: 13.72 + SWE of 1.79 = 15.51
118/365 = 32.3% Precip/SWE.

CoCoRaHs 2015-16 (Oct.-Sept.)
Yearly: 13.49 + 1.89 = 15.38
109/366 = 29.8%  Precipitation/SWE.

CoCoRaHs 2014-15 (Oct.-Sept.)
Yearly: 10.32 + 2.09 = 12.41
88/365 = 24.1% Precipitation/SWE.

CoCoRaHs 2013-14 (Oct.-Sept.)
Yearly: 8.30 + 21.27 = 29.57

2023 ?
2023 ?
2022: Ice melted on the lake on 3/20/22.
2020-2021: Ice was on the lake thru early March.
March:  Ice melted on the lake in 2020/2021.
              Ice melted on the lake (again) 3/17/18.
              Ice melted on the lake on 3/25/17.
February: Ice melted on the lake on 2/9/18 &
                 reformed 2/19/18.

Precipation Rates:
2023 - 24
2022 - 23
2021 - 22
2020 - 21 = 26.8%   Average = 29.4%
2019 - 20 = 30.3%
2018 - 19 = 33.0%
2017 - 18 =  
2016 - 17 = 32.3%
2015 - 16 = 29.8%
2014 - 15 = 24.1%   

Regular snowfall readings are taken from
October 1st through March 31st.

2020 -21 =  14.80  inches to date.
2019 -20 =             inches
2018 -19 =             inches
2017 -18 =  20.55  inches.
2016 -17 =  26.1    inches.
2015 -16 = 19.2     inches
2014 -15 =   9.9     inches.
(For more data - see Precipitation Page above.)