Weather Stations

As per Wikipedia, "A weather station is a facility, either on land or sea, with instruments and equipment for observing atmospheric conditions to provide information for weather forecasts and to study the weather and climate. The measurements taken include temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, and precipitation amounts."

[WA-OK-5]  I, as a CoCoRaHS volunteer, collect data pertaining to precipitation, snow fall and temperature by hand since the Fall of 2008.

There are seven (7) weather stations in and around Oroville, Washington. (From north to south.)

1) CWYY [928 feet above sealevel] at Latitude: 49.0333; Longitude: -119.0333 is just on the Canadian side of the US/Canadian border crossing on Highway 97. (4.7 miles north of Oroville, WA.)

2) East Oroville Station of the Washington State University Ag Weather Network [WSU-AWN] is located at Latitude: 49.xxxx; Longitude: -119.xxxx at 1133 feet above sea level on the northeast side of Lake Osoyoos and x.x number of miles from downtown Oroville. This station is east of Eastlake Road and Veranda Beach Resort and below the big water tank just south of the Canadian border.

Weather Underground's three local stations are:
3) Downtown (Camry Motel) Oroville [950 feet above sea level]
4) MOVLW1 or  Oroville 4NW RAWS  [1450 feet above sea level] is west of the Oroville 3.5 miles up the Similkameen River west of the golf course at on the Loomis-Oroville Road.
5) Mt. Hull KWATONAS3 (SE of Oroville)
6) Lost Lake MLLFW1 (Mt. Hull vicinity. A little further east.)

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